Site Safety Policy
It is the policy of the organisers to comply with The Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 and other relevant legislation/regulations, and to provide and maintain a safe working environment with safe systems of work. The event recognises its responsibility to protect the health, safety and welfare of its employees, its sub-contractors and members of the public attending the event. As far as is reasonably practicable the event shall be conducted in accordance with HSG 195, The Event Safety Guide, and general industry best practice
The Policy that has been developed will be continually monitored and updated as required. Specific written Health and Safety guidance will be issued to all staff, contractors and working visitors.
Risk assessments for the event site have been carried out. On-going assessment will continue before and during the event. These assessments can be found in the appendices to this document.
The organisation has had regular meetings with the landowner, licensing authorities, emergency services where necessary, and other interested parties.
All relevant contractors, traders, practitioners and crew working on the event are required to provide documentary evidence of their H&S management plans. These include: risk assessments, method statements, insurance documents and policies relevant to their work onsite. Such documentation will have been reviewed by the designated Event Safety Adviser. All contractors will be required to conform to relevant legislation, guidelines and safe work practices as outlined in the Site Safety Rules.
Any incidents, accidents or dangerous occurrences will be recorded in an appropriate manner and reported to Event Management. Reporting required under RIDDOR shall be the responsibility of the Event Safety Adviser in cooperation with the Festival Directors.
A site plan has been produced with a reference grid to assist in identifying locations. It includes emergency routes into and around the site and the RVP at Entrance Gate to be used by emergency services.
The event has public liability and employee liability insurance and has arranged adequate and appropriate cover for the event.
It is the intention of the event to ensure that all contractors, traders, practitioners and crew will either attend an H&S Induction briefing, will receive written information on site rules and procedures or will have been given access to this information online at
All crew should be trained for the work that they will be doing. Hazardous work requires more formal training and documentary evidence of training should be provided. Suitable instruction must be given and supervision must be in place especially for young people, volunteers and other vulnerable people.
Any person with a safety-critical role onsite will either be qualified in their own right, and will provide evidence of qualification; or trained by the Event Management who will keep documentary evidence of training.
All companies and individuals contracted by the heads of department and providing the services identified are required to comply with the contractual conditions which cover their attendance and activities.
Traders will be allowed access to the site via the entrance gate from 0800 each day of the event to allow for deliveries and restocking. All delivery vehicles will have to exit the public area of the site as soon as possible and adhere to the 5mph site wide road restriction. Service trucks (e.g. waste, toilet and similar vehicles) and emergency vehicles will have controlled access throughout the event.
It is recognised that catering poses considerable hazards, both to health as a result of poor hygiene practices and to physical safety from the use of LPG, electrical equipment and a variety of catering processes. All caterers, in line with policy for all contractors, are required to confirm that they have documentary evidence of sound health and safety management systems. However, experience has shown that paperwork frequently fails to represent actual practice with any accuracy. It is therefore policy that all traders will be inspected by the Event Management team, regardless of the paperwork supplied.
All traders will be available for inspection by Environmental Health Officers and a list of all operators will be made available on request. Water supply points for traders are at standpipe locations adjacent to the trading areas. The main water supply to site will be tested by the estate management to ensure it is potable and additional installations to point of use subject to thorough cleansing/disinfection as necessary.
All stages will be required to comply with British Standards, IStructE Temporary Demountable Structures, industry best practice to conform to requirements of CDM, and the Event Safety Guide (HSG195).
Any inflatable activities and other fairground rides will conform to HSE guidance Fairgrounds and amusement parks: guidance on safe practice HSG175 and HSE Guidance Note PM76 – Safe operation of passenger carrying amusement devices – inflatable bouncing devices, and flight or action simulators.
Operators will carry insurance suitable for their installation and shall supervise all rides when open to the public with regard to ensuring that visitors are in a condition that presents minimal risk to the individual or others.
Electrical and power requirements – any connection to power supplies must be made by, and a certificate of completion signed by, the contractor. In accordance with BS7909 all individual supplies (generators) over 6kVA will be certified separately. The electrical contractor shall confirm in the sign-off certificate that all single core 3 phase connections comply with the policy regarding harmonised colour codes.
Any works or equipment required to provide such a supply are the responsibility of the contractor or their designated sub-contractor. All such works are carried out in accordance with the Electricity at Work Regulations 1989 and the Code of Practice for design and installation of temporary distribution systems, delivery of electrical supplies for lighting, technical services and other entertainment related purposes (BS 7909) or such other relevant guidance.
Any electrical equipment brought onto site must be safe in good condition and protected by appropriate safety devices. The electrical contractor and the Event reserve the right to prohibit any electrical appliance or system they deem to be unsafe or unsuitable. Individual petrol generators will not be permitted and all users must use the site-wide supplier.